About Me

Hi, I’m Don, and this is my spiritual Pilgrim’s Progress. This site is about Christian growth. It’s about getting closer to God. We’re all on a journey, whether we know it or not. Our lives are our journeys. No one has “arrived” or “made it”, especially me. But I am sharing my journey with you anyways. My hope is that my journey will intersect with yours. I will be working through the Bible a paragraph at a time, as a devotion. I’ll share what it means to me, how I’ve successfully, and at times unsuccessfully, applied what I’ve read to my life. Together we can create a community for Christians to share their walks, their ‘Pilgrim’s Progress” as it were. In sharing, we can make each other the best we can be. If you’re like me, you can see this world is not always the best place it can be. I can’t change the world. I can only work on me, to make me better. So, follow along with me as I share my journey; past, present and future. Who knows what we might discover along the way. God Bless, DR

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