One in Christ: Discover The Unity of Jesus (Eph 2:19-22)

One in Christ

Have you ever longed for a sense of belonging? A place where you are accepted and embraced as part of a whole? In Ephesians 2:19-22, the apostle Paul speaks to the powerful truth of being one in Christ. Let’s explore the depth of this unity and how it can transform our lives.

Ephesians 2:19-22 (NASB)

Ephesians 2:19-22: So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.

Being One in Christ: The Key to True Belonging

Being one in Christ goes beyond a mere abstract concept. It is a profound reality that demands our active participation. In a world driven by division and individualism, God’s longing for us is to encounter a profound sense of belonging within His family. Through our union with Jesus, we are not isolated individuals but integral parts of a spiritual house, a holy temple. Each believer has a crucial role to play in the greater scheme of God’s redemptive work.

When we grasp the truth of being one in Christ, our perspective shifts. We no longer view ourselves as detached beings, but as interconnected members of God’s family. Our lives are purposefully intertwined, and our actions carry significance within the grand design of God’s redemption plan. We are not left to navigate life’s challenges alone, but are part of a unified body, supporting and encouraging one another. This unity brings about a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment as we live out our faith in community. So let us embrace the call to be one in Christ and actively participate in the beautiful tapestry of God’s plan for His people.

A World Apart: Striving for Self-Reliance and Isolation

Imagine a man named John, who walked through life like a lost soul, carrying a heavy burden of emptiness and isolation. He believed that true fulfillment could be found in his achievements, wealth, and relationships. Yet, no matter how much he achieved or how prosperous he became, his soul remained unsatisfied. His pursuit of self-reliance and worldly success only pushed him further away from the genuine connection he craved. Even in the midst of a bustling crowd, John felt like a stranger, burdened with the weight of his own desires and insecurities. It seemed like he was wandering through a vast desert of loneliness, desperately seeking an oasis of purpose and belonging.

Each day, John woke up with a restless heart, yearning for something more. He longed to be part of something greater than himself, a community where he could truly belong. But his self-reliance and the constant pursuit of worldly success proved to be barriers on his journey toward fulfillment. As he climbed the ladder of achievement, he discovered that it was leaning up against the wrong building. The more he acquired, the emptier he felt. Relationships came and went, leaving him with a deeper sense of isolation. It became evident that his self-centered pursuits were leading him down a lonely path, far from the true connection he desired.

John soon realized he needed a radical change in his life. He yearned for a genuine sense of purpose and belonging that the world could not offer. He didn’t even know where to begin.

Embracing Unity: The Transformative Power Being One In Christ

However, everything changed for John when he encountered the life-transforming message of the gospel. The Holy Spirit opened his eyes to the truth of Ephesians 2:19-22, revealing that he was no longer a stranger but a citizen of God’s household. John humbly surrendered his self-reliance and embraced his identity in Christ, finding belonging and purpose in the body of believers. John became one in Christ.

Two Godly principles played a crucial role in John’s journey of unity:

  1. Submission to Christ: John understood that Jesus is the cornerstone of God’s household. He recognized the need to submit his life to Christ’s lordship, allowing Him to be the unifying force in his relationships and community (1 Peter 2:4-6).
  2. Fellowship with Believers: John actively engaged in genuine fellowship with other Christians, recognizing the importance of being built together to form a dwelling place for God’s Spirit (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Share Your Journey About Becoming One in Christ

Dear friends and fellow pilgrims, I encourage you to embrace the reality of being one in Christ. Let His love and unity shape your interactions with others. Share your struggles or success in the comments below, as we all learn and grow together. Don’t forget to share and bookmark this blog, so more Christian men can find encouragement in their journey toward unity in Jesus. Help as many as you can become one in Christ.

Resources for Further Growth

As you deepen your understanding of unity in Christ, I recommend exploring these valuable resources:

  1. “United in Christ: Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Fellowship with the Son of God” by Andrew Murray
  2. Christian Living and Personal Growth – a collection of books curated for spiritual growth
  3. “Journey Into Community: Looking Deeper into Fellowship” by Robert E. Webber

These resources will guide you in deepening your connection with Christ and fostering unity within the body of believers.

Remember, friends, you are not alone in your journey. May you find joy and fulfillment as you embrace your place in the unifying love of Christ. Keep pressing on, my fellow pilgrims!

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